Diederich C, Giffroy J-M. Behavioural testing in dogs: a review of methodology in
search for standardisation. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 2006;97:51–72. [Google
I found this in the references in the the study that I sighted below. It was super interesting and went perfect with dog behavior. "Behavioural testing in dogs: A review of methodology in search for standardisation" is the name of the article that I found which studies the social and environmental impacts on dogs. They used 6 research studies that included a ball (Diederich). I want to explore this to try and get to know about how the process works in examining the behavior of dogs.
PMC, Europe. “Puppy Parties and beyond: the Role of Early Age Socialization
Practices on Adult Dog Behavior.” Europe PMC,
I found this article by searching the words "dogs behavior" and found an article, but I liked one of the referenced articles better. It is entitled Puppy Parties and Beyond: the Role of Early Age Socialization Practices on Adult Dog Behavior and it takes about domestication of dogs over the development of time. It talks about how we can now manipulate social behaviors whether this is through modifying genetics or domestication process. There is an observation made by some experts that was mentioned which spoke about how a puppy being able to be more receptive/ sensitive may have evolved over time. We can better understand how we affect the lives of dogs, and just how much animals do for us.
From this, I learned how to use multiple sources to help understand a concept. I not only did this by finding sources in the references part of articles, but I also felt this when we looked up Allison Jolly in the Chimpanzee studies and how we had to look her up to see what her role was in the biology world. I learned how to use UCI Library and how to find different tabs that related to classes and interests. Google Scholar was way simpler than I thought it would be! I still have a bit of trouble getting to the reviewed documents in the library, but I am getting the hang of it.
Hey Carly! I really liked your second article about the effects of domestication on dogs' social behavior. It was also interesting to see that modifying genetics also can manipulate their socialization. One thing I would work on is being more specific, especially in your first section. I would have loved to hear the methodology, like what exactly they did with a ball to test dogs' behaviors.